
Φωτογραφία Πρύτανη Χρήστος Μπούρας

Christos Ι. Bouras
Professor, Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics

Short CV

Christos J. Bouras is Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics specializing in the field of Algorithms and Applications in Networks, Telematics and New Services. At the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics he teaches Telematics, Network Interconnection, Broadband Technologies and Public Networks at undergraduate level and Algorithmic Topics on Networks and Telematics at postgraduate level. His research interests include 5G and Beyond Networks, Performance Analysis of Network and Computer Systems, Computer Networks and Protocols, Mobile and Wireless Communications, Telematics and New Services, E-Learning, Networked Virtual Environments, QoS and Pricing for Networks and Services and WWW Issues. He has published more than 600 papers in various well-known refereed books, conferences and journals. He has been member of editorial board for international journals and PC member and referee in various international journals and conferences. He has participated in several Greek and international R&D projects and is co-author of 9 books in Greek and editor of 2 in English. He has supervised 17 PhD Theses, 41 Postgraduate Theses and 179 Diploma Theses. He has extensive professional experience in Design and Analysis of Networks and Telematics, Network Protocols, High Bandwidth Networks, Techno-economic Models for Broadband Infrastructures and Distance Learning. He has served as Director of the Graduate Program in Computer Science and Technology, Member of the Managing Board of the Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE), Vice President of the Special Account for Research Funds (ELKE), Deputy Rector for Finance, Planning and Project Implementation, Vice President and CEO of the University of Patras Property Development and Management Company, Rector and President of the University of Patras Property Development and Management Company.

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Rector’s welcome note

Dear members of the University of Patras,

First of all, I would like to welcome you to our University and wish you a fruitful, productive and full of positive experiences academic year both at a collective level and for each one separately.

The year past has not been easy. Especially the last few months have been marked by extreme unpleasant events that have tested our country and affected the mental state of us all. Nevertheless, the University of Patras is evolving dynamically: many important projects have been completed, new actions have started, malfunctions troubling students and administrations for years have been resolved, while, at the same time, in terms of research, our University is achieving ever better positions in international rankings.

This success is the result of good planning, continuous hard work and collective effort. Let us not forget: Community means a shared vision. The prosperity of our University at all levels–excellence, sustainable development, the cultivation of empathy and solidarity–is the shared vision of our community. In this struggle for Good and Right, let us turn diversity into a source of positive energy. Let us make good use of diversity –a factor of dynamic interaction– to develop a culture of dialogue and cooperation.

We live in times of constant changes and in times of the ending of all sorts of certainties. In this world, which is changing extremely fast and in unpredictable ways, I invite you to work together to create a university that is fit for the challenges of the 21st century by making good use of our differences -since diversity is the natural state of man- with solidarity, meritocracy, transparency and commitment, with respect to institutions and diversity, committing to the common good, by further intensifying our efforts to create a culture beyond any kind of diversity.

Our era has been recorded by anthropologists in History as one of the most decadent periods of the human species, due to the destruction of natural environment, the trivialization of human life, the degradation of culture and the corruption under the rule of market and war money. We have taken an oath to serve Education, so it is our duty to stand by young people so that they can build their own vision of a better world and their faith in Mankind.

So, I call upon you to rally together for the Common Good. As the Queen of Rock and Roll, Tina Turner, melodiously urges us, “Let’s Stay Together”!

Wishing you a happy and creative new year!

The Rector

Christos I. Bouras