Vassilis KOMIS

Vassilis Komis, Member of Board of Directors

Professor, Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education

Short CV

Vassilis Komis is a professor at the Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education at the University of Patras with the subject “Computer Science Education and Applications of Information and Communication Technologies in Education”. He studied Mathematics (University of Crete) and obtained a Master’s and PhD degree (University of Sorbonne-Paris-Cité) with a scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (SSF) in Computer Science Education. He has thirty years of teaching experience at universities such as Patras, Athens, Crete, Open Greek University, Paris Cité, Paris – CY and Rouen. He has a long administrative experience at the University of Patras (Department Chair and Dean of the Faculty) and in Greek and International organizations (i.e. The Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications). He coordinates the research group “ICT in Education’. He is a researcher at the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (Education and Training Sector) and at CRIFPE-Canada, and an expert at the Hellenic Institute of Education Policy. He has directed twenty research projects at the Greek (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Development) and international levels (Horizon, FP7, Erasmus CBHE, KA2). His scientific interests include Computer Science Education, Technology Enhanced Learning, Educational Robotics, and Teacher Training in Technologies (TPACK). He has directed fifteen PhD theses, organized four international conferences and published fifteen books and more than three hundred papers in international journals and conferences (Google Scholar “V. Komis“).

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