In accordance with the provisions of a) Article 218 of Law no. 4957/2022 (Government Gazette 141/A/21.7.2022), b) article 138 par. 14 of the Internal Regulations of the University of Patras (Government Gazette 5468 B΄), c) the decision of the Senate’s session No. 241/19.12.2024, the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee was established.
The Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee has the following responsibilities:
- a) develop action plans to promote and ensure substantive equality and anti-discrimination in the educational, research and administrative processes of the institution and prepare an annual report, which is submitted to the Senate and the Board of Governors,
- (b) recommend to the competent bodies measures to promote equality and combat discrimination, to deal with sexual harassment and all forms of harassment,
- (c) monitor and evaluate the progress of the implementation of the above measures and their results and recommending their amendment, revision or completion,
- d) provide information and training to members of the academic community on issues related to gender equality, LGBTI persons and the fight against all forms of discrimination, the fight against sexual harassment and all forms of harassing behavior,
- e) promotes the development of curricula and the organisation of seminars and lectures focusing on the study of gender, LGBTI people, anti-discrimination and the fight against sexual harassment and all forms of harassing behavior,
- (f) promote the preparation of studies and research on issues related to its field of competence,
- (g) record reports and complaints of incidents of discrimination and sexual and gender-based harassment or harassment and forwarding them to the competent bodies,
- (h) provide assistance to victims of discrimination, sexual harassment and harassment when they report discrimination or harassment.
The Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee may be supported in its work by a Unit of the Foundation for the implementation of the action plans under par. 1, as specifically defined in the Statute and the Internal Regulations of the Foundation.
The Internal Regulations of the UIE shall regulate in particular the issues of promoting gender equality, combating discrimination and supporting victims of discrimination and sexual harassment by the Commission.
The members of the Gender Equality and Anti-Discrimination Committee of the University of Patras are the following:
- Anna Roussou, Professor of the Department of Literature (Head of the Committee)
- Evangelia Papadimitriou, Professor of the Department of Pharmacy
- Irini-Sofia Kiapidou, Associate Professor of the Department of Philology
- Dimitrios Karamanis, Professor of the Department of Sustainable Agriculture
- George Sabatakakis, Associate Professor of the Department of Theatre Studies
- Vaya Vlachou, Professor of the Department of Mathematics
- Hariklia Pitsou, Lecturer of the Department of Education and Social Work
- Athena Sideri, PhD student of the Department of Philology
- Vassilios Manousakis, Member of the Committee of Experts of the School of Foreign Languages
The Executive Director of the Institution, Mr Charalambos Rodopoulos, participates in the above Committee, with non-voting right, in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of Law no. 4957/2022.