“A. Mentzelopoulos” scholarships

The University of Patras grants scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at Master level, to its students that face proven difficulty in meeting the financial requirements for their studies.

There are also up to 17 scholarships for doctoral dissertations per year.

The scholarships named: “Andreas Mentzelopoulos Scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Patras” are funded by the family of Andreas Mentzelopoulos.

The students who are entitled to apply for a scholarship come from the School of Natural Sciences, the Engineering School, the School of Health Sciences, as well as the Departments of Economics, Business Administration, Education and Social Work, Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education and the Department of Philology. Priority is given to candidates who come from the Prefecture of Achaia.

Particularly, for the granting of scholarships to undergraduates and postgraduates at the master level, the financial situation of the candidates and their family is taken into account. In addition, the selection is based on the candidate’s entrance examination grades at the University of Patras. In case the scholars want to continue receiving the scholarship for the remaining semesters of their studies, their performance in the courses is of utmost importance.

Special emphasis is laid on strengthening the Doctoral Studies, since the number of respective scholarships are 17 per year, and aim at supporting innovative scientific ideas, which can lead to products or methods that will contribute to the prosperity of our country. In this way, the Donor encourages the stay of scientists in their country and get involved in the production process. The predominant criterion for scholarships regarding doctoral candidates will be the innovation of doctoral research and, secondarily, their financial situation.

The scholarships available, annually, are as follows:

  • Up to thirty (30) for undergraduate studies
  • Up to two (2) for studies at postgraduate level
  • Up to fifteen (17) for the preparation of a doctoral dissertation

The number of scholars, who are supported every academic year in all years of study undergraduate and postgraduate, is more than 120. The scholarships granted so far are displayed here. Over these years more than 340 students have benefited from the “Andreas Mentzelopoulos” scholarships.

Also, here are shown the scholarships (over 80) that have been provided for 10 consecutive years for postgraduate studies in North America.

All application forms and regulations can be found in the Greek website.