Διάλεξη: “Notes on Hypertext”

Στα πλαίσια του Π.Μ.Σ “Εφαρμοσμένη Οικονομική & Ανάλυση Δεδομένων” του Τμήματος Οικονομικών Επιστημών θα πραγματοποιηθεί διάλεξη την Δευτέρα  05/07/2021 και ώρα 17.00 με θέμα  Notes on Hypertext” από τον καθηγητή  Dr. Claus Atzenbeck, Visual Analytics Research Group at iisys, Hof University.

website: https://upatras-gr.zoom.us/j/98540564193?pwd=QldjQWNEMDQxRktSbFFubjRnTWRzUT09


Hypertext enables users to associate documents. The most prominent example is the World Wide Web: websites can be interlinked and users may follow these links by clicking on highlighted text or graphics. The underlying linking model, however, is rather limited compared to some pre-Web hypertext systems, which had support for bidirectional or n-ary links.

Furthermore, this widely known node-link structure is just one structure type discussed in the hypertext community. In the 1990s hypertext researchers started thinking about other means of representing hypertextual structure, including taxonomic, argumentation supporting structure, or spatial structures.

This talk will start with discussing hypertext as we know it from the World Wide Web, leading towards spatial hypertext, a hypertextual structure type that represents association using a cards-on-table metaphor: items are organized on a space. Their associations are interpreted based on their spatial arrangement, distance, or the objects’ visual cues. So-called spatial parsers are machines that interpret the structure similar to how humans would interpret them. This aims for a common understanding of the space by human and machine and opens various applications for such kind of media.


Prof. Dr. Claus Atzenbeck holds a professor position at Hof University, Germany and is leading the Visual Analytics research group at the
university’s Institute of Information Systems. His research interests in the field of hypermedia include spatial and navigational structures,
spatial and temporal parsing for spatial hypertexts, and hypertext narratives. A specific focus of his work is on intelligent user
interfaces for visual analytics. Dr. Atzenbeck has been involved in various tasks for the European research programs including serving as
an expert reviewer for proposals or as a collaborating researcher on projects. Furthermore, Dr. Atzenbeck is an active member of the hypertext community. As such, he is taking part of the SIGWEB Executive Committee as a member at-large, served as general co-chair of the 30th Anniversary ACM Hypertext Conference 2019 in Hof, Germany is co-organizer of the HUMAN workshop series and the initiator of the Historic Hypertext Project.